Sunday, September 20, 2009


I cant celebrate raya with the people i loved the most in tis whole world and to add to tat "bad dream" i have my weekend duty today :(( wat a tiring day in the restauran! I have to walk&walk&&walk and stand for i dont know how many hours. An enjoyable and unforgettable experience!

I have a 'very special - bad raya' this year haha.

p/s Walid s birthday is coming really soon :) I miss you walid :( *hugs&kisses*

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Rendang !

done wit my cv! fuhh thanks to Mr 'Big' for the ideas haha
Mr Claus s class was okay but not the wine class OMG!! nearly asleep Lol xD

p/s Hari Raya is coming soon really soon :( not celebrating raya wit my family is the worst thing i ve ever had in my life I miss mama walid kaklong abg edz abg atet abg b bazli and little cute raad !
*hugs & kisses*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The kitchen practical class was interesting & a BIG chaos! haha Meet your new chef for french kitchen ;) ME??! Wat a lucky day! hahah Luckily the chef was very supportive and helpful fuhhh *lega lega* =D I think im starting to love the place called KITCHEN ! haha

p/s Malaysia s stall for the International Day gonna be a BIG hit! ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2009


The end of the weekend! The beginning of the classes! haha

p/s raya is coming soon :(

Saturday, September 12, 2009

You knock me down !

Dear prince charming, can I be your princess?
lol x)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tell me what's her name?

Thinking of the days ahead in tis school xD nervous about the projects assignments exams practical exams arghh 8( haha Gonna work hard really hard to get what i want because its not easy to get what we want, to achieve our dreams. There re nothin easy in this world after all :) EASY COME EASY GO ! Hope everythin will go smoothly aminn.

p/s Waitin around round round

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Malam !

Tonight was the best night i had so far in switz haha at least better than my other nights here xD I laughed like crazyy my stomach hurt Lol :D Went for the malaysian meeting it was great everythin s went well. The result, Atif is the country leader! he deserved it *standing ovation* haha The chef is jolly :) the others are the helpers! We are really glad to help ;) Cant wait for the International Night! Im still a bit blur bout tat event hahah *blur blur*
bersambung from previous post terpost plak hahah

I love u Mr Claus just for today because im very super sure that i wont love you anymore for the next comin days x) haha

p/s maggi goreng 1 mamak pedas punyaa ;)

I love Mr Claus

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The information systems class was definitely not the highlight of my day today! It was so ultimately boring haha The french class was a bit 'keras' Its gettin harder each day but still fun (: I have duty tis weekend in the Grotto argh! There s a welcoming party there and as a 1st year student i have to work on a welcoming party night?? Is this school serious??! hahha hope my friends gonna be there accompany me while im workin my ass off! xD waiting for the rules & regulations presentation at the beautiful theatre hall

p/s those pics in klia make me cried :( miss you xoxo

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Exhauted !

did my kitchen practical. it was tiring but in a really fun way ;) during the lunch it was all bout running a.k.a 'walking fast' haha. during dinner it was all about ethics! was in the french kitchen so its not a surprised with the ethics and stuffs. today was seriously a long day for me but i loved it so very much. really glad&&thankful tat i hav the opportunity to work with a group of awesome chefs! tomorrow is not a pack day for me *yay yay* :D

p/s tomyam !

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bonjour !

Today is my 1st day of class. It was a fun new day for me :D Started with the french class woahh it was super amazingly great i had so much fun! Madame Jacqueline is such a great person for the first class not sure bout the next classes xD Then went for the account class. Awesome ! Mr Claus was funny in his own way haha. Basically, I love SHMS at least for the time being :))
Its 5pm now im waiting to break fast. 8pm please come faster (:

p/s I want tat last night chicken for buka puasa haha *nyumm nyummy*

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Switzerland !

Arrived yesterday but can only post bout it now as i was so busy! The orientation was great but tiring. Tour arnd the school got my uniform got my text books! Just have to get ready for my first class tomorrow and more more more pack++tiring days ahead xD The best thing bout SHMS is the people. They are very friendly and warm. They really potrait wat is hospitality all bout :D The school is amazingly beautiful! The view from up here is spectacular :D Its end of summer but the weather is cold enough to make me shivering haha but im loving and enjoyin it :D

p/s Missing my family and every single person in malaysia ! xoxo

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A long goodbye

Today is my last day in my room my last day on my bed my last day here in sp. Argh there re so many things inside my head all sorts of feelings mixed up excited sad nervous happy etc etc. The last few days were filled with tears. Friday buka puasa with zaza and ain there were tears running out OMG gonna miss them badly! The next day had an awesome farewell dinner with my family cousins aunties and uncles && more tears! I got all kinds of beautiful presents from them thank you! :) gonna seriously miss the chaos whenever all of us gathered hahah I love each one of you!

Goodbye SP! Gonna miss every single person here and cherish all the memories :D I think my next post gonna be when im already in switzerland.

p/s I hope I can be strong there without my family without mama! (: